
stump circle

Tips for Outdoor Learning in the Florida Heat

School is scheduled to resume soon.  Covid-19 is still around.  Extra cleaning and safety precautions are being implemented.  And using outdoor learning spaces is strongly encouraged. But how do we teach outdoors … in Florida … in August?   It’s too hot.   It’s not practical to teach outside in August. These

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occupational therapy for kids

What is Occupational Therapy?

Have you been told that your child may need occupational therapy but you have no idea what that means? Sure you have heard of physical therapy and speech therapy, but occupational therapy seems like it relates to a job.  And you are thinking, my child is only 5, he doesn’t

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Tips to keep kids happy playing outside in the heat!

Comfortable Kids Happy Kids It’s too hot. I’m sweaty.  I don’t want to play outside. If you are like me, these are phrases I often hear when the heat and humidity crank up every summer.  But heat and humidity is not a problem with the right gear, supports, and approach! 

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Early Childhood Activities for Outdoor Learning

Is your child showing interest in colors, shapes, or counting?  Does your child like to collect and sort things?  Have you observed your child filling and dumping containers? These are all beautiful examples of child-led learning that is building important visual discrimination skills, bilateral coordination, hand-eye coordination, proprioceptive awareness, and

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Nature Motor Scavenger Hunt

My kids do not love going on a walk and they are pretty hard to convince that going on a hike is a great way to spend a morning.  But when we spice up the event with a scavenger hunt, it turns the ordinary into something EXTRAORDIONARY! This week, we

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boy writing in a journal outside

Kids Taking Charge

This week many families embark on a new normal as many kids start schooling from home for the first time.  Despite the challenges this may present, this change in routine also affords new learning opportunities.  Empowering our kids to take control of their schedule, deadlines, responsibilities, and routines (all at

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Nature Sensory Scavenger Hunt

We are spending as much time as we can outside!  The fresh air, natural light, calming colors, and open space is good for our emotions and mental health.  Plus the great outdoors gives us places to explore, things to discover, endless play experiences, and loads of organic learning opportunities. But

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How do I work on handwriting outdoors?

Handwriting is typically a skill taught and practiced inside. But WHY?   The great outdoors affords an abundance of opportunities, inspirations, and experiences to help build strong, capable, and independent handwriters! PLUS time outdoors has a positive impact on our attention, mood, sensory integration, and overall health and well being.  So

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Simple Loose Parts to Inspire Play

Toys, toys, toys!  If you are like me, your home is overwhelmed with TOYS – toys with batteries, toys with a single purpose, and toys that just sit on the shelf often unused. Play is a vital part of childhood and all children should engage in LOTS of play every

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