University Students

Welcome University Students

Treeline Enrichment is proud to be an educational site for pre-professional and professional students in fields related to Occupational Therapy.  Our non-traditional, pediatric site offers a student a unique blend of opportunities that help to build skill, awareness, confidence, critical thinking and perspective.  

We offer educational placement opportunities for: 

  • Pre-OT students seeking observation hours prior to acceptance to OT school
  • Pre-OT students seeking practicum hours as part of an undergraduate course 
  • OTR Level 1 fieldwork placements
  • OTA Level 1 fieldwork placements
  • OTD Capstone Experience placement

We accept a limited number of students based on our program and service schedule.  We do not accept students in July or August.  

Check out these posts

The Role of Occupational Therapists: Nature Based Practitioners, a blog by Be Your Own Sunshine with the Treeline owner as the featured therapist

Student Reflections at Treeline from OT Student Sean Vercellone, St. Augustine University

Occupational Therapy Assistant Student at Treeline Enrichment
occupational therapy student at Treeline Enrichment

Are We a Good Fit?

This non-traditional setting is not for everyone.  Before you request a student placement with Treeline Enrichment, be sure to review our website and social media accounts to get a visual understanding of where and how we work.  

Treeline Enrichment is a 100% outdoor program.  Students should be prepared to work in all kinds of weather, including freezing temperatures, high heat & humidity, and rain.  We shelter only during high winds and thunderstorms.   Students are required to wear outdoor appropriate clothing and footwear as well as provide their own rain gear, hydration, bug spray, and food.  There will be mosquitoes and other insects.  You will be sitting on the ground, on logs, and other natural spots.  There will be mud, slimy things, horse poop, water, and fire (in the fire pit).  There may also be the chance of wildlife like snakes, raccoons, etc.  We do not have an indoor office or indoor plumbing.  We only have primitive toileting, which is a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet bag inside a privacy changing tent.  There is running hose water available for handwashing.  

Most of the space is easily accessible by foot but fieldwork students must also be prepared to walk / run through underbrush, up a tree, or in a shallow creek if deemed necessary for the safety of the children (i.e. a child runs off – we must follow).  There is manual labor involved in this work and you will record lots of steps in the woods.  You may feel physically tired.  And you will leave each day dirty.  

However, you will spend your days outside in the natural light & fresh airYou will grow in your own connection to nature.  You will benefit from the extended time in nature and you will feel energized and renewed in your own way.  You will expand your creative thinking to use simple natural materials to provide meaningful therapy and play experiences for kids.  You will learn a lot about the power of play, therapeutic use of self & the environment, the importance of nature & human connection, and a range of developmental strengths and challenges. You will gain real skills to inform your future work no matter your practice area.

What Treeline Enrichment Offers as an Educational Site

  • Development of both evaluation and intervention skills.
  • Small and large group management experiences and leadership skills.
  • Understanding of the therapeutic use of the environment to both support and inspire interventions and invitations.
  • Advancing observation skills of neurotypical and neurodiverse children to inform adjustments to environment, experiences, and interventions. 
  • Insight into community based programs that support global child development.
  • Learning opportunities related to entrepreneurship, including program development, community education, and marketing.
  • Experience using a variety of simple materials to develop meaningful nature based play experiences and outdoor therapy interventions.
  • Exploration of play as a child’s primary occupation and outdoor play as a form of occupational justice.
  • Integration of theories, frames of reference, and evidence to programs and services.
  • Connection to a growing network of nature-based professionals.
  • Development of functional writing skills for documentation and education via EMR, email, Google Classroom, blog posts, and social media.

Fieldwork Placements (OTR/OTA)

What to expect from a Treeline Enrichment OTR/OTA fieldwork placement: 

  • Typically you will spend 3-4 days a week in the woods and 1-2 days working remote.  
  • One forest play-focused day (no skilled OT services provided) will be under the on-site supervision of another (non-OT) professional, but the OT fieldwork educator will provide comprehensive oversight of the student’s objectives, learning, reflection, and documentation during that time.
  • The daily schedule in the woods varies, but typically starts at 8:00 am and ends between 1-6 pm.  Additional remote work hours will be built into your schedule.
  • Occupational therapy services are delivered in small groups or individual sessions.  Forest play programs are larger groups. 
  • OT clients typically range from ages 5-12.  Forest play participants range from ages 18 months to 10.  
  • There is no WiFi on site.  Remote work will have to be accessed off site or by a student’s personal hotspot.   
  • About once a month a Saturday will be required. 
  • There will be assignments, projects, reflections, and required readings as part of this fieldwork placement.  
  • Specific fieldwork objectives will be outlined based on your academic program, type of fieldwork, season in our work at Treeline Enrichment, and the student’s interests.

To work with Treeline Enrichment for your fieldwork placement, you will be required to: 

  • Establish an agreement between your University program and Treeline Enrichment.  This must be arranged through your fieldwork coordinator.  
  • Submit your interest, anticipated dates, resume, and goals via email to Treeline Enrichment
  • Complete a 15-30 minute video conference interview
  • Pass a Level 2 Fingerprinting and Background Screening with the Florida Department of Children and Families (~$80 fee)
  • Complete site required paperwork and orientation (all online)
Current Fieldwork Affilitations

Pre-OT Students

All pre-OT students are expected to keep record of their own hours, commit to a set schedule*, and participate with the highest level of professionalism when on site.  Practicum students will receive a course packet complete with resources and observation tools to aid in your learning at Treeline Enrichment.  

*As a student with Treeline Enrichment, you become part of our community.  The children in our programs and services value your presence and unexpected absences or inconsistent schedules can disrupt our work.  We require pre-OT students to commit to a mutually convenient schedule, and you are expected to be on time and consistent.  

*We do not work 8-5, M-F.  Most practicum students are only able to get 4-5 hours a week with us.  Additional hours may be possible if your program allows for purposeful observation (i.e. the OT provides data collection forms and guidance on what to observe) of Treeline programs that are facilitated by other professionals (not therapists).  

To join Treeline Enrichment for your pre-OT observation hours or course practicum hours, you will be required to: 

  • Submit your interest, anticipated dates, and goals via email to Treeline Enrichment
  • Complete a 15-minute video conference interview
  • Pass a Level 2 Fingerprinting and Background Screening with the Florida Department of Children and Families (~$80 fee)
  • Complete site required paperwork and orientation (all online)

We have worked with Pre-OT students from:  

Are you ready to go?

Get out your gear: 

  • Dry fit, long sleeve shirts (no large branding)
  • Quick-drying pants
  • Non-cotton socks
  • Hiking shoes 
  • Rain coat
  • Rain / water shoes
  • Bug spray
  • Sun screen 
  • Optional: solid colored hat