Risky Play: Why it is Awesome!

Risky Play: Why it is Awesome!

Hidden Benefits of Risky Play When adults hear ‘‘risky play,’ they might think of broken bones, stitches, and bruises. Risky play shouldn’t be scary; it should be exciting! It’s about kids exploring, building confidence, and understanding risk. Kids test their strengths and weaknesses, solve problems, and take on another child’s perspective.  In play (and in life) you will never eliminate all the possible risks, 100% of the time. That’s exhausting and impossible to do. You can, however, identify the potential hazards in the area, or situation, and provide guidance and limits to keep everyone safe.  Could your child fall off a branch while climbing a tree?  Yes. That’s a risk. Do you remove the dead limbs, stumps, or other debris from under the tree? Do you…

Tips to keep kids happy playing outside in the heat!

Comfortable Kids Happy Kids It’s too hot. I’m sweaty.  I don’t want to play outside. If you are like me, these are phrases I often hear when the heat and humidity crank up every summer.  But heat and humidity is not a problem with the right gear, supports, and approach!   We know the heat and humidity are coming, so let’s make a plan to keep our kids comfortable, engaged, and happy outdoors all summer long!

Simple Loose Parts to Inspire Play

Simple Loose Parts to Inspire Play

Toys, toys, toys!  If you are like me, your home is overwhelmed with TOYS – toys with batteries, toys with a single purpose, and toys that just sit on the shelf often unused. Play is a vital part of childhood and all children should engage in LOTS of play every day!   But some of the best play opportunities our kids can have include loose parts!